ICMI 2015

Monocytes and Macrophages 2

Friday, July 17, 2015: 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
Hall Berlin B, Ground Floor (Maritim Hotel)
Steffen Jung, PhD
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
A20/TNFAIP3: Master Regulator of Intestinal Immune Homeostasis
Lars Vereecke, PhD, VIB-Ghent University; Elio Schouppe, PhD, VIB-VUB; Karolina Slowicka, IRC VIB-UGent; Mozes Sze, VIB-Ghent University; Jo Van Ginderachter, Prof., VIB-VUB; Geert van Loo, Prof., Inflammation Research Center, Unit of Molecular Signal Transduction in Inflammation, VIB
11:00 AM
Blood CD14+ Monocytes Constantly Replenish Mature Macrophages in the Human Small Intestine
Anna Bujko, CIR, Department of Pathology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital; Ole J. B. Landsverk, Centre for Immune Regulation, Department of Pathology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital; Lisa Gruber, Centre for Immune Regulation, Department of Pathology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital; Sheraz Yaqub, Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Oslo University Hospital; Rune Horneland, Department for Transplantation Medicine, Oslo University Hospital; Ole Øyen, Department for Transplantation Medicine, Oslo University Hospital; Einar Martin Aandahl, Department for Transplantation Medicine, Oslo University Hospital; Espen Bækkevold, Centre for Immune Regulation, Department of Pathology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital; Frode L. Jahnsen, Centre for Immune Regulation, Department of Pathology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital
11:15 AM
H3K27me3 Contributes to the Establishment of Anergic Phenotype of Intestinal Macrophages
Aneta Kucik, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Francesca Ammoscato, Barts and The London School of Medine and Dentistry; Laurens Kruidenier, PhD, Takeda Cambridge Limited; Thomas MacDonald, PhD, CIID, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
11:30 AM
The Expression of Interleukin-19 Distinguishes CX3CR1-positive Macrophages from Dendritic Cells
Anna Steinert, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Jan Niess, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern
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