ICMI 2015

Poster & Exhibitor Reception

Wednesday, July 15, 2015: 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Grand Hall and Gallery, Ground Floor & 1st Floor (Maritim Hotel)
Improving Trans-Mucosal Delivery of Peptides and Proteins by Carrier-Peptide Coupling
Elisabeth Kenngott, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum; Jennifer Pfeil, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum; Ute Hoffmann, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum; Uta Lauer, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum; Rudolf Volkmer, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Alf Hamann, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Anthony Pernthaner, AG Research Ltd., Hopkirk Research Institute
A Novel Role For IL-13 in Enteric Infections and Allergy
Jenny Gustafsson, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine; Kathryn Knoop, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine; Keely McDonald, Washington University School of Medicine; Rodney Newberry, MD, Washington University School of Medicine
Cell death in small intestine mucosa in active celiac disease.
Fernando Chirdo, Instituto de Estudios Inmunologicos y Fisiopatologicos- IIFP; Constanza Bondar, Instituto de Estudios Inmunologicos y Fisiopatologicos- IIFP; Ana Paula De Vincenti, Instituto de Estudios Inmunologicos y Fisiopatologicos- IIFP; Luciana Guzman, Servicio de Gastroenterologia. Hospital Sor Maria Ludovica; Agustina Redondo, Servicio de Gastroenterologia. Hospital San Martin; Nestor Chopita, Servicio de Gastroenterologia. Hospital San Martin
Anna Bunin, Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Suzanne Lewis, MD, Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Boris Reizis, PhD, Columbia University; Peter H Green, MD, Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Govind Bhagat, MD, Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons
The Role of Intestinal Dendritic Cells in Inducing Th2 Responses to Injected Schistosoma mansoni eggs
Johannes Mayer, University of Glasgow; Andrew MacDonald, University of Manchester; Simon Milling, PhD, University of Glasgow
Polyphenol Administration Impairs T cells Proliferation by Imprinting a Distinct Dendritic Cell Maturational Profile
Stefania De Santis, PhD, IRCCS Saverio De Bellis; Elisabetta Cavalcanti, PhD, IRCCS De Bellis; Francesca Romana Del Vecchio, IRCCS De Bellis; Angelo Santino, PhD, CNR,Institute of Science of Food Production; Marcello Chieppa, PhD, IRCCS De Bellis
the Role of CD103+ Conventional Dendritic Cells in Host Antiviral Responses in the Gut
Tian Sun, University of Toronto; Dana Philpott, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto; Jennifer Gommerman, PhD, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Intestinal Mucin-Dendritic Cell Crosstalk in Gut Homeostasis
Felipe Melo-Gonzalez, University of Manchester; Thomas Fenton, University of Manchester; David J Thornton, University of Manchester; Mark Travis, University of Manchester
Characterization of Human Fetal Intestinal Dendritic Cells
Kaijun Liu, MD, Department of cell biology and histology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam; Toni.M.M. van Capel, Department of cell biology and histology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam; Esther W.M. Taanman-Kueter, Department of cell biology and histology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam; Bianca Blom, PhD, Department of cell biology and histology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam; Esther C. de Jong, Prof., Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Academic Medical Center
Loss of TGFβ signaling in dendritic cells leads to increased susceptibility to epithelial injury and deficient production of IL-22 and IL-17a by the innate immune cells
Pawel Kiela, University of Arizona; Rajalakshmy Ramalingam, PhD, University of Arizona; Deepa Jamwal, PhD, University of Arizona; Rita-Marie McFadden, PhD, University of Arizona; Monica Midura-Kiela, MS, University of Arizona; Fayez Ghishan, MD, University of Arizona
TLR4/TRIF/IL15-dependent activation leads to diminished TGFβ signaling in dendritic cells; contribution to T-cell-mediated autoimmune inflammation in the gut.
Pawel Kiela, University of Arizona; Rajalakshmy Ramalingam, PhD, University of Arizona; Deepa Jamwal, PhD, University of Arizona; Hui Yang, MD, PhD, Nanjing Children’s Hospital; Rita-Marie McFadden, PhD, University of Arizona; Monica Midura-Kiela, MS, University of Arizona; Fayez Ghishan, MD, University of Arizona
Interplay Of Plasmacytoid And Conventional cDC1 In The Secretory IgA Response To Rotavirus
Katharina Lahl, DTU Vet; Adrish Sen, VA Palo Alto Health Care System; Ningguo Feng, VA Palo Alto Health Care System; Harry Greenberg, VA Palo Alto Health Care System; Eugene Butcher, VA Palo Alto Health Care System
A New Antigen-Uptaking Macrophage-Like Cell Population Contacts CD103+ Conventional Dendritic Cells around Airways
Franziska Hoffmann, Institute of Anatomy, University of Luebeck; Johann Berger, Institute of Anatomy, University of Luebeck; Fanny Ender, Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research, University of Luebeck; Yves Laumonnier, Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research, University of Luebeck; Ian Lewkowich, Division of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati; Peter Koenig, Institute of Anatomy, University of Luebeck
Fc Alpha Receptor I Co-Stimulation Promotes Inflammatory Responses by Human CD103+ Mucosal Dendritic Cells
Ivo S. Hansen, Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Academic Medical Center; Fabricio Loayza-Puch, PhD, Division of Gene Regulation, Netherlands Cancer Institute; Reuven Agami, Prof., Division of Gene Regulation, Netherlands Cancer Institute; Esther C. de Jong, Prof., Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Academic Medical Center; Jeroen Den Dunnen, PhD, Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Academic Medical Center
Loss of Hypoxia inducible factor 1 in dendritic cells leads to impaired activation of protective regulatory T cells in murine colitis
Katharina Flueck, Institut für Physiologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen; Gerhard Breves, Physiologisches Institut, Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover; Joachim Fandrey, Institut für Physiologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen; Sandra Winning, Institut für Physiologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Intraepithelial processes of dendritic cells in pigs exposed to the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol
Aniko Barta-Boeszoermenyi, Institute of Anatomy, Otto-von-Guericke-University; Constanze Nossol, Institute of Anatomy, Otto-von-Guericke-University; Andrea Kröber, Institute of Anatomy, Otto-von-Guericke-University; Lydia Renner, Institute of Anatomy, Otto-von-Guericke-University; Stefan Kahlert, Institute of Anatomy, Otto-von-Guericke-University; Jeannette Kluess, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut; Sven Daenicke, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut; H.J. Rothkotter, MD, Otto-von-Guericke
IRF8-dependent migratory CD103+CD11b- dendritic cells are required for intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte homeostasis
Katarzyna Luda, Lund University; Emma Persson, PhD, Inflammation Research Center (IRC), VIB-UGent Department, Ghent, Belgium; Thorsten Joeris, PhD, Lund University - Department of Experimental Medical Science - Immunology Section; Lieneke Pool, Section for Immunology and Vaccinology, National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark; Mimoza Demiri, Immunology Section, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; Jacob Holm, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen; Aymeric Rivollier, PhD, Section for Immunology and Vaccinology, National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark; Felipe Melo-Gonzalez, University of Manchester; Bart Lambrecht, PhD, Inflammation Research Center (IRC), VIB-UGent Department, Ghent, Belgium; Marcus Svensson-Frej, PhD, Immunology  Section,  Lund  University,  Lund  221  84,  Sweden; Mark Travis, PhD, Manchester  Collaborative  Centre  for  Inflammation  research  (MCCIR),  The   University  of  Manchester,  Manchester,  United  Kingdom; Knut Kotarsky, PhD, Immunology  Section,  Lund  University,  Lund  221  84,  Sweden; William Agace, PhD, Lund University - Department of Experimental Medical Science - Immunology Section
Investigating the role of Escherichia coli in perpetuating inflammation in Crohn’s disease
Hannah Wessel, University of Glasgow; Stephanie Houston, University of Manchester; Antonio Bravo-Blas, PhD, Centre for Immunobiology, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation; Heather Hulme, University of Glasgow; Johannes Mayer, University of Glasgow; Dónal Wall, University of Glasgow; Simon Milling, PhD, University of Glasgow
Urban Particulate Matter (PM10) Induces a Distinct and Complex Programme of Activation in Human Dendritic Cells
Martha Wildemann, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Naseem Mushtaq, PhD, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Neil McCarthy, PhD, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Abigail Whitehouse, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Rossa Brugha, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Theodore Sanders, PhD, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Ian Mudway, King's College London; Jonathan Grigg, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Andrew Stagg, PhD, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Syk signaling in dendritic cells instructs steady-state IL-17 and IL-22 cytokine expression in the intestinal tract
Eva Baer, PhD, University of Zurich; María Martínez López, CNIC; Salvador Iborra, PhD, CNIC; Burkhard Becher, PhD, Institute for Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich; David Sancho, PhD, CNIC; Salomé LeibundGut-Landmann, PhD, Institute for Microbiology, ETH Zurich
Repeated antigen painting and sublingual immunotherapy convert sublingual dendritic cell subsets and induce antigen-specific tolerance
Miyuki Azuma, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU); Siwen Kang, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU); Tatsukuni Ohno, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU); Chenyang Zhang, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)
High-Dose Vitamin D3 Treatment Decreases CD103+ Intestinal Dendritic Cells in Healthy Subjects
Nina Friis Bak, Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology; Mia Bendix, MD, Aarhus University Hospital; Stine Hald, MD, Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology; Jørgen Agnholt, PhD, Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology
Gender differences in intestinal immune cell frequencies
Marlies Elderman, University Medical Centre Groningen; Bruno Sovran, Wageningen University; Adriaan van Beek, Wageningen University; Jerry Wells, University of Wageningen; Huub Savelkoul, Wageningen University; Floor Hugenholtz, Wageningen University; Clara Belzer, Wageningen University; Mark Boekschoten, Wageningen University; Bart de Haan, University Medical Centre Groningen; Marijke Faas, Dr., University Medical Centre Groningen; Paul de Vos, PhD, University Medical Centre Groningen
Dynamic Surface Expression of CD103 on Human Dendritic Cells Due to Endosomal Recycling
Diane Bimczok, DVM PhD, Montana State University; Mandi Roe, Montana State University; Steve Swain, PhD, Montana State University; Phillip Smith, MD, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Lesley Smythies, PhD, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham
IL17B, a Novel Member of the IL17 Cytokine Family, Promotes Type 2 Inflammation
Vladimir Ramirez-Carrozzi, PhD, Genentech Inc; Rajita Pappu, Genentech
The Role of AIP (aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) interacting protein) in the Human T cell Response
Anna Vossenkaemper, MD, Barts and the London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK; Thomas MacDonald, PhD, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Marta Korbonits, PhD, Barts and the London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK
Oanh Pham, Center for Comparative Medicine, University of California-Davis
Molecular regulation of T helper cell self-control
Christian Neumann, Charité University Hospital, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology; Frederik Heinrich, German Rheumatism Research Center; Markus M. Heimesaat, MD, Charité University Hospital, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene; Anja A. Kühl, Charité University Hospital, Medical Clinic I, Gastroenterology; Sascha Rutz, Genentech, Department of Immunology; Alexander Scheffold, Charité University Hospital, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
Tissue-specific Control of Th17 Responses in the Oral Mucosa
Nicolas Dutzan, NIDCR; Loreto Abusleme, NIDCR; Teresa Wild, NIDCR; Mark Fife, University of Manchester; Nicolas Bouladoux, NIAID/National Institutes of Health; Yasmine Belkaid, NIAID; Niki Moutsopoulos, NIDCR; Joanne Konkel, University of Manchester, UK
Anne Jarry, PhD, EA4273 Biometadys, Faculty of Medicine; Florent Malard, MD, PhD, INSERM U892 and Hematology Department, CHU Nantes; Virginie Dehame, INSERM U892; Chantal Bou-Hanna, PhD, EA4273 Biometadys, Faculty of Medicine; Christian Laboisse, MD, PhD, EA4273 and Pathology Department, CHU Nantes; Mohamad Mohty, MD, PhD, INSERM U938 and Hematology Department, CHU St Antoine; Céline Bossard, MD, PhD, EA4273 and Pathology Department, CHU Nantes
Double Positive and Double Negative T cells in the intestinal mucosa: differences between ileum and colon in health and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Anna Carrasco, BsC, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd; Fernando Fernández-Bañares, MD, PhD, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd; Yamile Zabana, MD, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd; Montserrat Aceituno, MD, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd; Mercè Rosinach, MD, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd; Xavier Andújar, MD, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd; Maria Esteve, MD, PhD, Mutua de Terrassa, CIBERehd
Expansion of human regulatory T cells protects humanized mice from experimental colitis
Jeremy Goettel, PhD, Boston Children' Hospital; Ada Yeste, PhD, Brigham & Women's Hospital; Dror Shouval, MD, Boston Children's Hospital; Alexandra Griffith, Boston Children's Hospital; Michael Field, Boston Children's Hospital; James Canavan, MD, PhD, Boston Children's Hospital; Francisco Quintana, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Scott Snapper, MD, PhD, Boston Children's Hospital
Rosita Rigoni, BSc, Dipartimento di Biologia e Genetica per le Scienze Mediche, Universitá degli Studi di Milano and Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano, Italy; Virginia Maina, PhD, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center; Veronica Marrella, PhD, IRGB-CNR and Humanitas Clinical and Research Center; Graziano Pesole, PhD, Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Biotecnologie e Biofarmaceutica, Universita’ di Bari; Simone Guglielmetti, PhD, Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano; Luigi Poliani, MD, PhD, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Pathology Unit University of Brescia School of Medicine; Fabio Grassi, MD, PhD, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB); Anna Villa, MD, IRGB-CNR and Humanitas Clinical and Research Center; Barbara Cassani, PhD, IRGB-CNR c/o Istituto Clinico Humanitas
TH17 Response Is Diminshed in Absence of PTAFR Signaling in DSS-induced Colitis
Zoltán Kellermayer, MD, University of Pecs; Beatriz Leon-Ruiz, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Changchun Ren, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Andre Ballesteros-Tato, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Tamas Jilling, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ets1 Regulates the Expression of ICOS and Controls the Maturation, Homeostasis, and Function of Invariant NKT Cells
Tzong-Shyuan Tai, PhD, E-DA Hospital, I-Shou University; Hsiao-Wei Tsao, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Peter Oettgen, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; I-Cheng Ho, MD, PhD, Division of Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Christelle Gross, CPTP- Inserm UMR1043; Gauthier Chazal, CPTP- Inserm UMR1043; Justine Oliva, CPTP- Inserm UMR1043; Emmanuel Treiner, Inserm UMR1043
The Short-term Effect of Peptidoglycan Injected into the Intestinal Lumen against Host Defense Responses
Youhei Mantani, PhD, Kobe University; Kazuki Miyamoto, Kobe University; Seiko Matsumori, Kobe University; Hideto Yuasa, Kobe University; Natsumi Masuda, Kobe University; Toshifumi Yokoyama, PhD, Kobe University; Nobuhiko Hoshi, PhD, DVM, Kobe University; Hiroshi Kitagawa, PhD, DVM, Kobe University
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases inflammatory responses by bronchial epithelial cells
Michael Weitnauer, PhD, Uniklinikum Heidelberg; Vedrana Mijosek, MSc, Department of infectious disease, University hospital Heidelberg; Konrad Bode, MD, Department of infectious disease, University hospital Heidelberg; Alexander Dalpke, MD, Department of infectious disease, University hospital Heidelberg
Dysregulated Gastrointestinal Innate Immune Function in Human Type 1 Diabetes
Christina Graves, University of Florida; Melissa LaPato, University of Florida; Jian Li, MD, University of Florida; Andrea Knowlton, PhD, University of Florida; Mark Wallet, PhD, University of Florida; Shannon Wallet, PhD, University of Florida
The role of IL-37 on cytokine responses downstream of  TLR4 and TLR5 signaling in the colon epithelial cells.
Sezin Gunaltay, Orebro University; Mohammed Ghiboub, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Frenche Comte University; Olof Hultgren, MD, PhD, Department of Biomedicine, School of Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University; Elisabeth Hultgren Hornquist, PhD, Department of Biomedicine, School of Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University
The Role of Stromal Cells in the Immune Response to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection In Vivo 
Fahima Kausar, Imperial College London; Cecilia Johansson, Imperial College London
Epithelial Interleukin-25 Contributes to the Nasal Polypogenesis in Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Hyun-Woo Shin, MD, PhD, Seoul National University College of Medicine; Dong-Kyu Kim, MD, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital; Mingyu Lee, BSc, Seoul National University College of Medicine; Ji-Hun Mo, MD, PhD, Dept of otorhinolaryngology Dankook University; Dae-Woo Kim, MD, PhD, Boramae hospital
In Vivo Study of Optineurin in Immunity and Inflammation
Karolina Slowicka, IRC VIB-UGent; Lars Vereecke, PhD, Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology, Ghent University; Mozes Sze, Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology, Ghent University; Rudi Beyaert, Prof., Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology, Ghent University; Geert van Loo, Prof., Inflammation Research Center, Unit of Molecular Signal Transduction in Inflammation, VIB
Defining the Intestinal Epithelial Defects in Crohn's Disease
Kelli VanDussen, PhD, Washington University; Richard Head, MS, Washington University; Ta-Chiang Liu, MD, PhD, Washington University; Thaddeus Stappenbeck, MD, PhD, Washington University
Dual Oxidase 2 (DUOX 2), a Novel Player in IBD: Expression and Functional Implications
Keren Rabinoiwtz, Tel Aviv Medical center; Leah Reshef, PhD, Tel Aviv University; Uri Gophna, PhD, Tel Aviv University; Iris Dotan, MD, Tel Aviv Medical Center
The role of epithelial cells in mucosal inflammation in the zebrafish gut and gills
Fränze Progatzky, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Kathryn Charlwood, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Navjyot S. Sangha, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Nagisa Yoshida, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Marie McBrien, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Jackie Cheung, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Alice Shia, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; James Scott, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London; Julian R. Marchesi, Computational and Systems Medicine, Imperial College London; Terence H. Cook, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London; Jonathan R. Lamb, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Laurence Bugeon, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Margaret J. Dallman, Department of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London
Defect in TLR5 expression enhances spontaneous visceral hypersensitivity and decreases anxiety behavior
Denis Ardid, UMR 1107 NEURO-DOL; Amandine Lashermes Jr., PhD, UMR 1107 NEURO-DOL; Fabien Marchand Sr., Pr., UMR 1107 NEURO-DOL; Mathieu Meleine Sr., Pr.., UMR 1107 NEURO-DOL; Andrew Gewirtz, PhD, Georgia State University; Frederic Carvalho Sr., CR2, UMR 1107 NEURO-DOL
Epithelial autophagy dampens chronic intestinal inflammation
Johanna Pott, University of Oxford; Agnieszka Kabat, University of Oxford; Sebastian Pott, University of Chicago; Subhankar Mukhopadhyay, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute; Kevin Maloy, University of Oxford
Assessing DNA methylation in the developing human intestinal epithelium - potential link to Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Judith Kraiczy, Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge; Komal Nayak, Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge; Alexander Ross, Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge; Timothy Raine, Department of Medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Cambridge; Tim Nam Mak, Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge; Marco Gasparetto, Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge; Elke Cario, University Hospital of Essen; Robert Heuschkel, Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK; Matthias Zilbauer, Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge
The Involvement of Macrophages in the Function and Maintenance of the Intestinal Epithelium
Anuj Sehgal, The Roslin Institute; David Donaldson, The Roslin Institute, Univeristy of Edinburgh; Neil Mabbott, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh
Malick Sadio, Inserm U1149; Emilie Tourneur, PhD, Inserm U1149; Marcelle Bens, Inserm U1149; Jean Michel Goujon, MD, PhD, CHU Poitiers; Alain Vandewalle, MD, PhD, Inserm U1149; Cécilia Chassin, PhD, Inserm U1149
C-Jun N-terminal Kinase 2 Mediates Cytoprotective Functions in Intestinal Epithelial Cells and Ameliorates Experimental Colitis
Ana Mandic, Uniklinik Aachen; Eveline Bennek, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Julien Verdier, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Silvia Roubrocks, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Christian Liedtke, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Bernd Denecke, PhD, Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF), University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Nikolaus Gaßler, MD, Institut of Pathology, Klinikum Braunschweig; Javier Francisco Cubero, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Christian Trautwein, MD, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital RWTH Aachen; Gernot Sellge, MD, PhD, University Hospital RWTH Aachen
SIRT1 attenuates nasal polypogenesis by suppressing HIF-1-mediated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Hyun-Woo Shin, MD, PhD, Seoul National University College of Medicine; Mingyu Lee, BSc, Seoul National University College of Medicine; Dae-Woo Kim, MD, PhD, Boramae hospital; Daeho So, BSc, Seoul National University College of Medicine; Roza Khalmuratova, MD, PhD, Seoul National University College of Medicine; Jong-Wan Park, MD, PhD, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Intestinal Organoids as a Model for Bacterial Infection and Innate Immune Responses
Martin Stahl, University of British Columbia; Bruce Vallance, University of British Columbia
Exocytosis of MUC2 is Regulated by VAMP8 and Plays a Critical Role in DSS-Induced Colitis
Steve Cornick, University of Calgary; France Moreau, University of Calgary; Kris Chadee, PhD, University of Calgary
TLR-independent intestinal epithelial TRAF6 signaling protects mice from DSS-induced colitis
Andy Wullaert, University of Cologne, CECAD Research Center, NW; Katerina Vlantis, University of Cologne, CECAD Research Center, NW; Apostolos Polykratis, University of Cologne, CECAD Research Center, NW; Patrick-Simon Welz, University of Cologne, CECAD Research Center, NW; Geert van Loo, Prof., Inflammation Research Center, Unit of Molecular Signal Transduction in Inflammation, VIB; Manolis Pasparakis, University of Cologne, CECAD Research Center, NW
Role of estradiol on intestinal permeability and bacterial translocation during systemic inflammation in female rats
Aline Ribeiro, University of São Paulo; Celso Franci, PhD, University of Sao Paulo; Rafael Saia, PhD, University of Sao Paulo
Cell Wall from Lactobacillus casei CRL431 Induce both Intestinal Epithelial and Macrophage Cells Activation
José María Lemme Dumit, Biochemistry, Cátedra de Inmunología, Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Gabriela Perdigon, PhD, Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET; Carolina Maldonado Galdeano, PhD, Cátedra de Inmunología, Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Cholecystokinin prevents intestinal barrier dysfunction induced by systemic inflammation in rats
Rafael Saia, PhD, University of Sao Paulo; Aline Ribeiro, University of São Paulo; Ana Paula Souza, University of Sao Paulo
Hydrolysates from different food sources show protective effects on the intestinal epithelial barrier
Gea Kiewiet, MSc, University Medical Centre Groningen; Marjan Gros, FrieslandCampina; Renske Dekkers, FrieslandCampina; Joost van Neerven, Prof. Dr., FrieslandCampina; Marijke Faas, Dr., University Medical Centre Groningen; Paul de Vos, PhD, University Medical Centre Groningen
Lactate and short chain fatty acids modulate TLR-mediated activation of epithelial and myeloid cells in vitro
Agustina Errea, PhD, 1Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos – CONICET- National Universtity of La Plata; Carolina Iraporda, 7Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos CONICET- National Universtity of La Plata; Delphine Cayet, Centre d’Infection et d’Immunité de Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, U1019, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 8204, and Université de Lille; Phillipe Marchetti, PhD, Inserm U837-JPARC, Université de Lille II, Faculté de Médecine; Jerome Kluza, PhD, Inserm U837-JPARC, Université de Lille II, Faculté de Médecine; Analia Abraham, PhD, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos CONICET- National Universtity of La Plata; Graciela Garrote, PhD, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos CONICET- National Universtity of La Plata; Jean Claude Sirard, PhD, Centre d’Infection et d’Immunité de Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, U1019, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 8204, and Université de Lille; Martin Rumbo, National University of La Plata, Argentina
Anti-inflammatory effect of dietary fibers is Toll-like receptor dependent
Neha Sahasrabudhe, MSc, University Medical Center Groningen; Lingmin Tian, MSc, WUR; Jan Scholte, MSc, RUG; Erik Bruininx, PhD, Agrifirm; Angelique Smit, PhD, Agrifirm; Geert Bruggeman, PhD, nuscience; Marco van den Berg, PhD, DSM; Adriana Carvalho de Souza, PhD, DSM; Anton Scheurink, PhD, RUG; Henk Schols, PhD, WUR; Paul de Vos, PhD, University Medical Centre Groningen
The C5a/C5aR1 Axis Drives Experimental Food-Induced Anaphylaxis
Anna Czabanska, Institut Fur Systemische Entzundungsforschung; Simon P. Hogan, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, USA; Jörg Köhl, Division of Immunobiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, USA
Preventive and therapeutic effects of dietary omega3 fatty acid-originated 17,18-epoxyeicostetraenoic acid on the control of intestinal allergy
Jun Kunisawa, PhD, The University of Tokyo; Makoto Arita, PhD, PREST, JST; Takahiro Hayasaka, PhD, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine; Takashi Harada, MD, PhD, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine; Ryo Iwamoto, PhD, The University of Tokyo; Takahiro Nagatake, PhD, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation; Hidehiko Suzuki, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation; Yosuke Kurashima, CREST, JST; Hiroyuki Arai, PhD, CREST, JST; Mitsutoshi Setou, MD, PhD, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine; Hiroshi Kiyono, CREST, JST
Guillermo Docena, Department of Biological Sciences; Paola Smaldini, PhD, University of La Plata; Fernando Trejo, PhD, University of La Plata; Laura Brunet, PhD, ActinoPharma Ltd; Jaap Kampinga, PhD, ActinoPharma Ltd
Airton Silva, MD, Universidade Federal Fluminense; Monique Bitteti, PhD, UFF; Sylvia Campos, PhD, 1601; Gerlinde Teixeira, PhD, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Inflammation or dysbiosis: what comes first?
Isabelle Guimarães, Universidade Federal Fluminense; Karla Rodrigues, PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Heidi Pauer, PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Mauricio Vericimo, PhD, Universidade Federal Fluminense; Regina Domingues, PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Alberto Nobrega, PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Gerlinde Teixeira, PhD, Universidade Federal Fluminense
In vitro and in vivo screening of candidate probiotic strains for their anti-allergic properties
Elodie Neau, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065; Candice Marion, PhD student, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065; Johanne Delannoy, Technician, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065; Charles-Henry Cottart, PharmD, PhD, APHP, Necker Enfants Malades; Chantal Labellie, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065; Sophie Holowacz, PhD, PiLeJe-Larena santé; Marie-Jose Butel, PharmD, PhD, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065; Nathalie Kapel, PharmD, PhD, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065; Anne-Judith Waligora-Dupriet, PharmD, PhD, Université Paris Descartes, EA4065
Augmentation of Retinoic Acid Production in the Colonic Epithelial Cells Ameliorates Food Allergy via the Induction of Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells in a Murine Model
Takeshi Yamamoto, PhD, University of Toyama; Emi Matsunami, University of Toyama; Koji Komori, University of Toyama; Makoto Kadowaki, PhD, University of Toyama
Interference of the continuous administration of active VITAMIN D in model of antigen-especific intestinal inflamation.
Karla Pêpe de Freitas Nunes, Msc, Fluminense Federal University; Anna Carolina Correa, Fluminense Federal University; Isabelle Guimarães, Universidade Federal Fluminense; Sylvia Campos, PhD, 1601; Monique Bitteti, PhD, UFF; Gerlinde Teixeira, PhD, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Chronic Ingestion of Low Doses of Cadmium Alters the Gut Microbiome and Immune Homeostasis for Enhanced Allergic Sensitization
Prosper Boyaka, Ohio State Univ; Eunsoo Kim, The Ohio State University; Haley Steiner, The Ohio State University; Stephen Opiyo, The Ohio State University; Jee Junbae, The Ohio State University; Estelle Cormet-Boyaka, The Ohio State University
Examining the Impact of HPV Infection and Clearance on HIV Susceptibility in the Female Genital Tract
Brett Shannon, University of Toronto; Tae Joon Yi, University of Toronto; Stephen Perusini, Public Health Ontario; Lisungu Chieza, Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre; Jamie Thomas-Pavanel, Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre; Megan Saunders, Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre; Praseedha Janakiram, Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre; Wangari Thararo, Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre; Anu Rebbapragada, Public Health Ontario; Rupert Kaul, MD, PhD, University of Toronto
NOD2 Ligand Induces Long Lasting Immunity and Amplifies Mucosal and Systemic Immune Responses after sub cutaneous immunization in mice
Capucine Phelip, UMR5305 CNRS; Alice Gutjahr, Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et d’Ingénierie Thérapeutique UMR5305 - CNRS; Ioana Sandu, Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et d’Ingénierie Thérapeutique UMR5305 - CNRS; Vincent Pavot, University of Oxford; Nicolas Rochereau, Groupe Immunité des Muqueuses et Agents Pathogènes, INSERM; Eric Perouzel, CAYLA - InvivoGen; Thierry Lioux, CAYLA - InvivoGen; Gérard Tiraby, CAYLA - InvivoGen; Charlotte Primard, Adjuvatis; Stéphane Paul, Groupe Immunité des Muqueuses et Agents Pathogènes, INSERM; Bernard Verrier, Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et d’Ingénierie Thérapeutique UMR5305 - CNRS
Common Features of Mucosal and Peripheral Antibody Responses Elicited by Candidate HIV-1 Vaccines in Rhesus Monkeys
Hualin Li, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School; Kathryn E. Stepheson, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School; Zi Han Kang, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School; Christy L. Lavine, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School; Michael S. Seaman, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School; Dan H. Barouch, MD, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School
The Effect of Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy on CD4+ T Cell Reconstitution in the Intestine of HIV-Infected Patients
Kristina Allers, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Andreas Puyskens, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; Hans-Jörg Epple, MD, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; Laura Neumann, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; Kathleen Weigt, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Verena Moos, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Thomas Schneider, MD, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Impact of short-term antiretroviral therapy during early HIV infection on microbial translocation, gut immunology and biomarkers of serious non-AIDS illnesses
Connie Kim, PhD, Toronto General Hospital; Colin Kovacs, MD, Maple Leaf Medical Clinic; Sanja Huibner, University of Toronto; Rodney Rousseau, University of Toronto; Kamnoosh Shahabi, University of Toronto; Gabor Kandel, MD, St. Michael's Hospital; Erika Benko, Maple Leaf Medical Clinic; Tae-Wook Chun, PhD, National Institutes of Health; Mario Ostrowski, MD, University of Toronto; Rupert Kaul, MD, PhD, University of Toronto
T Follicular Helper Cells and IgA+ B cells in Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue are Within Normal Ranges in HIV+ Subjects on Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy
John Zaunders, PhD, St Vincent's Hospital; Michelle Bailey, BSc(Hons), Kirby Institute, UNSW; Kat Marks, MSc, St Vincent's Hospital; Yin Xu, MSc, Kirby Institute, UNSW; Nabila Seddiki, PhD, Kirby Institute, UNSW; David A Cooper, MD, Kirby Institute, UNSW; Anthony D Kelleher, MD, Kirby Institute, UNSW; Mark Danta, MD, St Vincent's Hospital; Kersten Koelsch, MD, Kirby Institute, UNSW
Cytotoxic Molecule Expression and Ex Vivo Cytotoxicity of Rectal Mucosal CD8+ T-cells in HIV-1 Infection
Brenna Kiniry, BS, University of California; Anupama Ganesh, MS, University of California; Peter Hunt, MD, San Francisco General Hospital; Ma Somsouk, MD, San Francisco General Hospital; Steven Deeks, MD, San Francisco General Hospital; Barbara Shacklett, PhD, University of California, Davis
Targeting α4β7 integrin reduces mucosal transmission and dissemination of SIV
Claudia Cicala, PhD, NIAID/NIH; James Arthos, PhD, NIAID; Aftab Ansari, Emory U.; Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD, Emory U.
Signaling through Integrin α4β7 Promotes Replication of HIV in Sub-optimally Activated CD4+ T cells.
James Arthos, PhD, NIAID; Claudia Cicala, PhD, NIAID/NIH; Aftab Ansari, Emory U.; Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD, Emory U.; Jocelyn Ray, NIAID/NIH; Anthony Fauci, MD, NIAID/NIH
Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell-Derived IFNα Modulates Th17 Differentiation During Bordetella pertussis Infection in Mice
Andrew Smith, San Jose State University; Tzvia Abramson, Prof, San Jose State University; Victoria Wu, M.S., San Jose State University
(1)  Differential Effects of Escherichia coli Nissle and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG on  Human Rotavirus Infection and B Cell Responses
Sukumar Kandasamy, PhD, OARDC The Ohio State University; Anastasia Vlasova, Phd, OARDC The Ohio State University; Kuldeep Chattha, PhD, OARDC The Ohio State University; David Fischer, PhD, OARDC The Ohio State University; Abdul Rauf, PhD, OARDC The Ohio State University; Lulu Shao, OARDC The Ohio State University; Stephanie Neal, OARDC The Ohio State University; Anand Kumar, PhD, OARDC The Ohio State University; Gireesh Rajashekara, PhD, OARDC The Ohio State University; Linda Saif, Ohio State University, OARDC
Microbiota Mediated Protection from Entamoeba histolytica Infection
Stacey Burgess, PhD, University of Virginia; William A. Petri Jr., MD, PhD, University of Virginia
Interferon-β Induced by Double-Stranded RNA of Lactic Acid Bacteria Promotes Differentiation of IFN-γ-Producing Th1 Cells
Tadaomi Kawashima, PhD, Kikkoman Corporation; Yohei Watanabe, Ms, National Inst. Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); Naho Ikari, Kikkoman Corporation; Ryutaro Fukui, PhD, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo; Takashi Saito, PhD, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences; Hiroko Tsutsui, Prof, Hyogo College of Medicine; Kensuke Miyake, Prof, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo; Noriko Tsuji, PhD, National Inst. Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Human Cytomegalovirus Potentiates Inflammation in the Gastrointestinal Mucosa        
Evida Dennis, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Lesley Smythies, PhD, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Masako Shimamura, MD, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; William Britt, MD, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Phillip Smith, MD, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham
Justin McCarville, Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, McMaster University; Heather Galipeau, Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, McMaster University; Yolanda Sanz, IATA-CSIC; Elena Verdu, Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, McMaster University
Identification of autoantibodies to aquaporin-5 in sera from patients with Sjögren’s syndrome
Jahan Alam, MS, Seoul National University; Yun Sik Choi, MS, Seoul National University; Nahyun Kim, PhD, Seoul National University; Yeong Wook Song, MD, Seoul National University; Kyungpyo Park, PhD, Seoul National University; Youngnim Choi, D.D.S., P.hD., Seoul National University
NOD2 Does Not Influence Bacterial Community Structure in the Salmonella ΔaroA Chronic Inflammation Model
Susan Robertson, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto; Kaoru Geddes, University of Toronto; Charles Maisonneuve, University of Toronto; Cathy Streutker, St. Michael's Hospital; Dana Philpott, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Bile Acid Imbalance in Morphine Induced Gut Barrier Compromise and Systemic Inflammation: Role of CYP7A1 and F-x-R
Santanu Banerjee, PhD, Surgery, University of Minnesota; Gregory Sindberg, PhD, Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota; Fuyuan Wang, DVM, MS, PhD Candidate, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota; Jingjing Meng, PhD, Department of Surgery, Medical School, University of Minnesota; Umakant Sharma, PhD, Surgery, University of Minnesota; Sabita Roy, PhD, Department of Surgery, Medical School, University of Minnesota
Short-term Administration of Probiotics Promote Protective Immunity Against Enteric Bacteria Infection Through Lgr5+ Stem Cell Differentiation
Yeji Kim, University of Ulsan College of Medicine/Asan Medical Center; Yong-Soo Lee, University of Ulsan College of Medicine/Asan Medical Center; Jin-Young Yang, University of Ulsan College of Medicine/Asan Medical Center; Su-Hyun Lee, University of Ulsan College of Medicine/Asan Medical Center; Mi-Na Kweon, Ph.D, University of Ulsan College of Medicine/Asan Medical Center
The Impact of Bacterial Effector Interactions with ELMO1 on Host Mucosal Immune Responses
Salony Roongta, University of California, San Diego; Rama Pranadinata, University of California, San Diego; Sarah Fox, University of California, San Diego; Arup Sarkar, Trident Academy of Creatve Technology; Kodi Ravichandran, PhD, University of Virginia; Peter Ernst, University of California, San Diego; Soumita Das, University of California, San Diego
Effect of Microbiota on Intestinal Immune Cell Phenotype and Intestinal Integrity
Franziska Schmidt, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology; Tassilo Kruis, MD, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology; Arvind Batra, PhD, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology; Gunnar Loh, VMD, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Department of Gastrointestinal Microbiology; Michael Schumann, MD, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology; Anja Kuehl, PhD, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology; Michael Blaut, PhD, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Department of Gastrointestinal Microbiology; Britta Siegmund, MD, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology
Intestinal goblet cell and mucus alterations in obesity
Niels Best, MSc, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Filip Segers, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Froukje Verdam, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Charlotte de Jonge, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Kaatje Lenaerts, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Jan Willem Greve, MD, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Wim Buurman, MD, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center; Sander Rensen, PhD, Department of Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center
Sandrine Menard, INRA; Maiwenn Olier, INRA; Ambre Riba, INRA; Sonia Lacroix-Lamande, PhD, INRA; Corinne Lencina, INRA Toxalim, Research Centre in Food Toxicology, NeuroGastroenterology & Nutrition; Valérie Bacquie, INRA; Cherryl Harkat, INRA; Marion Gillet, INRA; Marine Baron, INRA; Caroline Sommer, INRA; Virginie Mallet, INRA; Christel Cartier, INRA Toxalim, Research Centre in Food Toxicology, Intestinal Development, Xenobiotics & ImmunoToxicology; Fabrice Laurent, PhD, INRA; Vassilia Theodorou, INRA
Neonatal Colonization with Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Expressing Allergic-Chimers for Prevention of Allergic Poly-Sensitization
Priya Sarate, Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna; Stefan Heinl, (c/o) CD Laboratory for Genetically Engineered Lactic Acid Bacteria Department of Biotechnology University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences VIBT; Hana Kozákova, Laboratory of Immunology and Gnotobiology, Institute of Microbiology of Academy of Sciences of Czech republic,V.V.I.; Reingard Grabherr, (c/o) CD Laboratory for Genetically Engineered Lactic Acid Bacteria Department of Biotechnology University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences VIBT; Irma Schabussova, Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna; Ursula Wiedermann, Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna
Stratification of Intestinal Microbes with Unique Transcriptional Pattern and Metabolism in the Outer Layer of Intestinal Mucus
Hai Li, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Julien Limenitakis, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Markus Geuking, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Melissa Lawson, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Tobias Fuhrer, PhD, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1; Uwe Sauer, PhD, ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1; Kathy D. McCoy, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Andrew J. Macpherson, MD PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern
Genome-wide association studies in healthy first degree relatives (FDR) of Crohn’s Disease (CD) subjects reveal that host genetics polymorphisms are associated with the gut microbiota
Williams Turpin, University of Toronto / Zane Cohen Centre for Digestive Diseases; Osvaldo Espin-Garcia, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute; Konstantin Shestopaloff, Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Lizhen Xu, Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Mark Silverberg, Mount Sinai Hospital; Michelle Smith, University of Toronto; Wei Xu, Dalla Lana School of Public Health; David Guttman, University of Toronto; Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb, Wilfrid Laurier University; Andrew Paterson, The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute; Ken Croitoru, MD, Zane Cohen Centre for Digestive Diseases, Mount Sinai Hospital
iNKT cells, the microbiota & intestinal inflammation
Thierry Mallevaey, University of Toronto
IL-25 Regulates Host-Microbial Mutualism in the Intestine
Catherine Plunkett, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Angela Jones, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Markus Geuking, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Kathy D McCoy, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Laura Weyrich, PhD, University of Adelaide; Melanie Kleinschek, PhD, Merck Research Lab; Graham Le Gros, Prof, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Elizabeth Forbes-Blom, PhD, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Gut Microbiota Composition Imprints Optimal Humoral Immunity
Hazel Poyntz, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Marcus Robinson, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Lucas Pitt, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Charlotte Everitt, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Catherine Plunkett, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Lieke van den Elsen, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Angela Jones, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Karmella Naidoo, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Jessica Jones, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Markus Geuking, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Kathy McCoy, University of Bern; Graham Le Gros, Prof, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Elizabeth Forbes-Blom, PhD, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Targeting Gut Microbial Composition to Enhance Vaccine Efficacy
Lieke van den Elsen, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Hazel Poyntz, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Angela Jones, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Catherine Plunkett, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Elizabeth Forbes-Blom, PhD, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Microbial Exposure During Dendritic Cell Maturation Significantly Impacts Their Functional Phenotype and Activation of Autologous T Cells
Yeneneh Haileselassie, MSc, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wener-Gren Institute, Stockholm University; Khaleda Rahman Qazi, PhD, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wener-Gren Institute, Stockholm University; Bence Rethi, PhD, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute; Eva Sverremark-Ekström, PhD, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wener-Gren Institute, Stockholm University
Philippe Gosset, PhD, INSERM U1019-CNRS UMR 8204, CIIL, Team 8; Gaelle Remy, Phd, Institut Pasteur de Lille; Annabelle Cesaro, Phd, Institut Pasteur de Lille; Teddy Grandjean, MSc, Institut Pasteur de Lille; Myriam Delacre, Institut Pasteur de Lille; David Hot, Phd, Institut Pasteur de Lille; Muriel Pichavant, Phd, Institut Pasteur de Lille; Mathias Chamaillard, Phd, Inserm
Using Zebrafish to study Mucosal Immunity and Microbial Composition in the presence and absence of Adaptive Immunity
Sylvia Brugman, PhD, Wageningen University; Kim Suijker, Msc, Wageningen University; Kerstin Schneeberger, Msc, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital Utrecht, LTI UMCU; Merlijn Witte, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, LTI UMCU; Mark Klein, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, LTI UMCU; Tom van den Bogert, PhD, Wageningen University; Jos Boekhorst, PhD, NIZO Food research; Harro Timmerman, PhD, Nizo Food research; Marianne Boes, PhD, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital Utrecht, LTI UMCU; Michiel Kleerebezem, PhD, Wageningen University, HMI; Edward Nieuwenhuis, MD, PhD,, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital
A single viral caspase-8 inhibitor is able to disrupt intestinal immune homeostasis in vivo
Barbara Buchen, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University; Claudia Günther, Uniklinikum Erlangen; Vinay Murtadak, Department of Surgery, University Hospital; Michael Stürzl, Department of Surgery, University Hospital; Ethel Cesarman, Deparment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cornell University; Gianna Ballon, Deparment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cornell University; Markus F. Neurath, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University; Christoph Becker, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University
The Influence of the Intestinal Microbiota on Salmonella Infection
Maria Fernandez, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at The University of Gothenburg; Ulf Alexander Wenzel, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at The University of Gothenburg; Ulf Yrlid, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at The University of Gothenburg; Fredrik Bäckhed, Wallenberg Laboratory and Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at The University of Gothenburg; Mary Jo Wick, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at The University of Gothenburg
The role of epithelial caspase-8 during infection with Salmonella typhimurium
Manuela Hefele, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University; Stefan Wirtz, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen; Mousumi Mahapatro, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University; Markus F. Neurath, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University; Christoph Becker, Medical Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander-University; Claudia Günther, Uniklinikum Erlangen
High resolution flow cytometry of the intestinal microbiota
Jakob Zimmermann*, DRFZ; Thomas Hübschmann*, Dr., UFZ; Florian Schattenberg, UFZ; Andreas Radbruch, Prof. Dr., DRFZ; Susann Müller°, Prof. Dr., UFZ; Hyun-Dong Chang°, Dr., DRFZ
MiBC – The Mouse Intestinal Bacterial Collection: Host-Specific Insights into Cultivable Diversity and Genomic Novelty of the Mouse Gut Microbiome
Thomas Clavel, Technische Universität München, ZIEL Research Center for Nutrition and Food Sciences; Birte Abt, DSMZ; Ruediger Pukall, DSMZ; Floor Hungenholtz, Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University; Sandrine Brugiroux, LMU; Thi Phuong Nam Bui, Wageningen University; Caroline Plugge, Wageningen University; Dirk Haller, Technische Universität München, Chair of Nutrition and Immunology; Hauke Smid, Wageningen University; Daniel Peterson, PhD, Johns Hopkins University; Bärbel Stecher, LMU
Microbial-signaling pathways in dendritic cells in inflammatory bowel disease
Jie Liang, MD, Duke University; Amelia Karlsson, PhD, Duke University; Gianna Hammer, PhD, Duke University
Antibiotic Manipulation of the Adult Murine Microbiota Has Long-Term Effects on the Mucosal Immune Response in NOD2-/- Mice
Ashleigh Goethel, University of Toronto; Sandrine Rouquier, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto; Galliano Zanello, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto; Dana Philpott, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto; Ken Croitoru, MD, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Perinatal Treatment with a Probiotic Escherichia coli Strain for the Prevention of Airway Inflammation in Mice
Christian Zwicker, Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna; Melanie R. Hassler, Clinical Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna; Alina Neunkirchner, Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna; Gerda Egger, Clinical Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna; Ursula Wiedermann, Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna; Irma Schabussova, Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna
Early Life Antibiotics Alters the Development of the Gut Microbiota and Mucosal Immune T cell Populations
Ashleigh Goethel, University of Toronto; Sandrine Rouquier, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto; Galliano Zanello, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto; Dana Philpott, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto; Ken Croitoru, MD, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Infection with Adherent-invasive Escherichia coli Results in an Imbalance in Apoptosis and Autophagy responses and Microbiota Composition Worsening Experimental Colitis
Trevor Darby, PhD, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre; Emma Smith, PhD, School of Microbiology, UCC; Siobhan McDonnell, MSc, alimentary pharmabiotic centre, UCC; Heather Byrne, UCC; Aine Fanning, PhD, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre; Orla O'Sullivan, PhD, Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre; Paul Cotter, PhD, Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre; David Clarke, PhD, School of Microbiology, UCC; Fergus Shanahan, MD, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, UCC; Ken Nally, PhD, Alimentray Pharmabiotic Centre, UCC; Silvia Melgar, PhD, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Center, UCC
The Gut Symbiont Segmented Filamentous Bacteria: cultivation and host response in an in vitro co-culturing system
Pamela Schnupf, Institut Imagine; Valerie Gaboriau-Routhiau, INSERM 1163; Marine Gros, Universite ́ Paris Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cite ́; Robin Friedman, PhD, Institut Pasteur; Moya-Nilges Moya-Nilges, Institut Pasteur; Giulia Negro, Institut Pasteur; Nadine Cerf-Bensussan, MD, PhD, INSERM UMR1163, Laboratory of Intestinal Immunity; Philippe Sansonetti, MD, PhD, College de France
Comparative Innate Immune Interactions of Human and Bovine Secretory IgA with Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Bacteria
Alison Hodgkinson, AgResearch; Megan Callaghan, AgResearch; Julie Cakebread, AgResearch; Paul Harris, AgResearch; Rachel Brunt, AgResearch; Rachel Anderson, AgResearch; Kelly Armstrong, AgResearch; Brendan Haigh, AgResearch
Altered microbiota by enhanced T follicular help and hyper IgA results in impaired glucose metabolism
Lisa Perruzza, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB); Michele Proietti, MD, PhD, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB); Caterina Elisa Faliti, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB); Tanja Rezzonico-Jost, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB); Anna Maria D'Erchia, PhD, Dept Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Biopharmaceutics, University of Bari; Bruno Fosso, PhD, Institute of Biomembranes and Bioenergetics, National Research Council (CNR); Graziano Pesole, Prof., Dept Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Biopharmaceutics, University of Bari; Kathy D McCoy, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Research, University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, University of Bern; Fabio Grassi, MD, PhD, University of Milan-INGM
Understanding the Interactions of the Probiotic Yeast Saccharomyces boulardii with the Mucosal Immune System
Lauren Hudson, Emory University; Courtney McDermott, Emory University; Milo Fasken, PhD, Emory University; David Guiliano, PhD, University of East London; Anita Corbett, PhD, Emory University; Tracey Lamb, PhD, Emory University
Cd14 is a Modifier of IBD Development by Influencing the Intestinal Barrier Function
Stephanie Buchheister, Hannover Medical School, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science; Manuela Buettner, Hannover Medical School, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science; Anna Smoczek, Hannover Medical School, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science; Anja Siebert, Hannover Medical School, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science; Andé Bleich, Hannover Medical School, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science
Relationship between mucosal Th17 and Treg in Nasopharynx-Associated Lymphoid Tissue and Their Association with Pneumococcal Carriage in Children and Adults
Qibo Zhang, MD PhD, University of Liverpool; Ayman Mubarak, PhD, University of Liverpool; Muhammad Ahmed, PhD, University of Liverpool; Casey Vaughan, FRCS, Alder Hey CHildren's Hospital; Nav Upile, FRCS, AlderHey Children's Hospital; Carol Xie, FRCS, Alder Hey Children's Hospital; Ravi Sharma, FRCS, Alder Hey Children's Hospital; Maxwell McCormick, FRCS, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital; Nigel Cunliffe, MD FRCP, University of Liverpool; Eriola Mushi, FRCS, Alder Hey Children's Hospital; Tim Mitchell, PhD, University of Birmingham; Paul McNamara, MD PhD, Alder Hey Children's Hospital
Compensatory roles of CD8+ T cells in immune regulation in the gut with non-functional CD4+ Tregs
Sun-Young Chang, Ajou University; Hyun-jeong Ko, Kangwon National University
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